Ask And It Is Given (English)

Ask And It Is Given (English)

Sale price ₹ 349.00 Regular price ₹ 399.00

Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires presents teachings by the husband-wife spiritual duo Esther and Jerry Hicks. They put forth their doctrines with the help of a non-physical entity called Abraham, a figure which is used in much of their works.

The book operates on the premise that people are capable of shaping a life of happiness and contentment for themselves based on the powers of positive thinking. Not taking into account factors like wealth and power, everyone is entitled to a life that is joyous and fulfilling. However, we are not aware that there are cosmic laws in play which dictate the course of events our lives take. By being in a positive state of mind we can help channel this energy and use it for our benefit.

  • Author: Hicks Jersy
  • Publisher: Hey House
  • Language: English

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