Raja Vidya The King Of Knowledge (Hindi)

Raja Vidya The King Of Knowledge (Hindi)

Regular price ₹ 55.00

None of us can stop doing something, or stop planning doing something even for a moment. Indeed the drive to attain happiness is the very essence of us. But unless we know who we are, how can we act properly?

According to Bhagavad-Gita, the topmost knowledge (raja-vidya rajaguhyam) is Krishna consciousness because in Bhagavad-Gita we find that the symptom of one who is actually in knowledge is that he has surrendered unto Krishna. Some of the important teachings of the Gita are:

Law of Conservation of Soul : Soul has neither birth nor death at any time, but it gets new body at the time of death like a person buys new dress for the body when the old one is worn out.

Law of Birth and Death (cycle) : When a person is born, he is sure to die. Similarly, when a person dies, he is sure to born again.

Law of Mind : Controlled mind is the best friend and the worst enemy is uncontrolled mind.

Law of Karma : Whatever action a great man performs, common men follow. And whatever standards he sets by exemplary acts, all the world pursues.

  • Author: A.C. Bhakthi Vedantha Swamy Prabhudha
  • Publisher: ISKCON Publications (Latest Edition)
  • Paperback:
  • Language: Hindi

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