Operationg System (English)

Operationg System (English)

Regular price ₹ 300.00
  • Unit 1. Introduction: Objective, scope and outcome of the course.

    Unit 2. Introduction and History of Operating Systems: Structure and operations; processes and files Processor Management: inter process communication, mutual exclusion, semaphores, wait and signal procedures, process scheduling and algorithms, critical sections, threads, multithreading

    Unit 3. Memory Management: contiguous memory allocation, virtual memory, paging, page table structure, demand paging, page replacement policies, thrashing, segmentation, case study

    Unit 4. Deadlock: Shared resources, resource allocation and scheduling, resource graph models, deadlock detection, deadlock avoidance, deadlock prevention algorithms Device Management: devices and their characteristics, device drivers, device handling, disk scheduling algorithms and policies

    Unit 5. File Management: file concept, types and structures, directory structure, cases studies, access methods and matrices, file security, user authentication

    Unit 6. UNIX and Linux operating systems as case studies; Time OS and case studies of Mobile OS

  • Author: Vipin Jain
  • Publisher: Genius Publications (Latest Edition)
  • Language: English

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