Switched On (English)
EVIDENCE … that there is a Deep State of America that needs to be dismantled.As and when this is understood and taken care of, the good times for America and for the world get "SWITCHED ON""This is the book we have been waiting for … It is a significant attempt towards developing a better understanding of the Deep State of America, and that of many other countries. These Deep States are able to stage-manage nearly every war on the planet Earth in a way that ensures business as usual for their vast military industrial complexes. Together, these Deep States are all set to create war fronts at several locations on the planet, never mind if the common people of these warring countries do not want war. The author makes a valiant attempt to awaken the conscience and common sense of the human beings so that we can 'dismantle' these Deep States of the World and reach a new stage in our lives where we can look back on war as an incomprehensible aberration of our past"
Author: Surendra kumar Sagar
Publisher: Provess Publishers
- Languages: English